Weird Dreams are Made of These
Had a violent dream last nite. Well, sort of. Dreamt that Iceman’s had 2 brothers, of which the youngest one was in primary school in Singapore. While hanging out at Iceman’s place, this youngest brother started panicking ‘cos he lost his student bus-pass. So i joined in the search for the misplaced bus-pass. In my search, i opened this white cupboard and saw the bitchy director from my office sitting on a shelf inside! I was so pissed off at the sight of her and went, “Eh! U’re so damn fat. Can u not sit on the shelf & damage things? Look how sunken it is ‘cos of your weight!…”. Heh… after letting loose a tirade of insults, she buggered off and i continued my search for the missing bus-pass. Haha. Really odd dream… totally fictitious… hahaha.
Sigh… people seldom take things at face value ya? My friend calls it mental masturbation – as in people tend to put too much thoughts into simple matters. I have never meant to give anyone the wrong idea. If anything, i always emphasize my lack of interest in being anything more than friends ok? But if people like to MM, then it isn’t my fault right? Please… let my ‘yes’ be ‘yes’, and my ‘no’ be ‘no’.
Ok. So i lied. Haha. I haven’t quit ethanol totally. Going to bala right after i zip off this post! 5 gals, 2 guys. Hope we can equalise the ratio later! Heh.
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