Archive for the 'Rasa Sayang' Category


I thought I lost the ability to cry; But only you could coax a tear from my eye. I think I’m strong, at least I try. But the more I see, the more my heart dies. I try to read between the lines, I wished you would tell me everything is fine. I don’t know […]

Married Life?

There’s one question that I get posed quite often – “how’s married life?”.  I seriously don’t know what sort of answers these people are expecting.  I mean, married or not, life goes on right?  I don’t think a couple’s life will have any major adjustments till a kid comes along – and for the record, […]

Wedding Actual Day Montage

The photos from the actual wedding aren’t ready yet but our photographer, Lightbox Productions, helped burn a CD of the photos he used in the montage that was played during our wedding dinner.  Here’re some selected shots.  🙂   Iceman came with his merry band of brothers to “pick the bride” on 1 Aug 2009. […]

1 John 4:12

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

We picked 40 photos from French Bridal to go into the pre-wedding album.  Sadly, I kinda liked the photos better before the editing was done… Anyway, here’s a sample of the photos for friends who don’t have a Facebook a/c.  For those who have, I’ve uploaded all 40 onto FB.           […]

Thinking Aloud

I think I really like these songs.  Jack Johnson – Do You Remember [audio:Jack-Johnson-Do-You-Remember.mp3] Photo montage song?   Jason Mraz – Lucky [audio:Jason-Mraz-Lucky.mp3] 2nd photo montage song?   Daniel Ho – For Eternity [audio:Daniel-Ho-For-Eternity.mp3] Solemnisation march-in song?   Jack Johnson – Better Together [audio:Jack-Johnson-Better-Together.mp3] Dinner march-in song?   Michael Buble – Feeling Good [audio:Michael-Buble-Feeling-good.mp3] 2nd […]

For Eternity (by Daniel Ho)

[audio:Daniel-Ho-For-Eternity.mp3] Came across this lovely song on Facebook. Not sure who the singer is… Daniel Ho’s the songwriter.

you get what you give

i sent out a 2nd round of sms-es today to people who have not replied to my 1st round of sms wedding invitation.  some came back and said yes, others said they couldn’t make it ‘cos they won’t be in Singapore.  some also said they will get back to me later ‘cos they are still […]

Spiral Staircase

Another march-in recommendation, from Azure.   Cute song, especially the chorus… but I don’t think we’ll get to hear the chorus as there’re 2 verses before that…

Your Ears, My Feet

Argh.. sleepy sleepy.  Was dilly dallying last night and ended up sleeping at 2:10am.  Thank goodness I ironed 4 dresses on Sun so my work attire from Mon – Thurs is settled. Went to the tailor during lunch & dropped off the lining for the gown.  Decided to stop by International Plaza since I was […]

July 2024
