Archive for October, 2008

Your View, My View

     Just found out that I was wrong.  Only 2 other ladies in my office eventually went to the same tailor to get their cheongsams made there.  So the delay by the tailor wasn’t materially due to too many orders from our office (thank goodness J told Auntie Esplanade not to make her cheongsam there […]

5 More Friends Uncensored

Iceman sent this to me.  Thought it was quite funny.      So who do you think America will vote for?  My dad thinks McCain will win because he feels the white majority will not put a Black guy in office.  (And don’t tell me calling an "African American" a "Black" is derogatory.  It’s only […]

Safeguarding Your Own Interests

    This is one of those your view, my view, we agree to disagree things but I just had to get it off my chest.  Next week is my company’s D&D.  The theme is "Shanghai Night" so it was no surprise that a lot of the ladies in the office wanted to get a cheongsam […]

Joshua Kadison

Before there was Five for Fight, before there was Daniel Powter, there was American singer-songwriter, pianist and writer, Joshua Kadison.  Here’s another 2 lovely songs from him.      "Jessie" – Joshua Kadison   "Beautiful in my Eyes" – Joshua Kadison.  (I read that this is also a popular wedding song though I haven’t heard […]

Picture Postcard

Argh.  I’m not sure I’m going to recover in time for work tomorrow.  Had a really bad headache in the evening and took a nap till 10:40pm.  No appetite for the beef noodles my dad bought so I’m just eating some raisin bread so I can take my medicine.  I think the fever’s back.  When […]

Home, Sick

Am home on MC today.  Developed a slight cough after lunch at Sakae Sushi on Monday.  It got worse on Mon night and all the coughing resulted in a sore throat on Tue.  Tried to speak as gently as I could in office yesterday.  Also visited the doc for medicine… but I woke up losing […]

The Importance of Formatting

    The format of this new WordPress theme has been bothering me.  It bugs me that there’s no clear distinction between paragraphs, which (in my opinion) makes the entire text difficult to read.  This particular format also caused my previous posts containing photographs to become warped… and while the problem can be rectified by putting […]

Coach Raid

    My mom went on a 11-day US/Canada tour with 3 of my aunts.  The tour covered places like like New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand Island (am I right to assume the salad dressing came from here?  I didn’t know there was a Thousand Island in Canada :P), Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec […]

More Beauty Products!

      Gosh.  Booze Queen, Azure and I really raided Watsons (Ngee Ann City) on Monday.  How could I forget to mention 2 other fabulous products I bought.  The first is (please forgive it’s dubious name… it is from Japan after all) "Sexy Girl Night Repair Oil Essence".  To be applied to semi-dry or dry hair, […]

The Noose

     The second season of the Channel 5 satirical variety show The Noose just ended its run last week.  I loved watching The Noose… I thought the first weatherman of season 2, the "Tomorrow’s weather?  Hot… humid… what did you expect?  Snow ah?" guy was simply hilarious.       Anyway, I decided to create a new […]

October 2008
