Archive for the 'Can’t Out-Talk Stupidity' Category


Can’t think of a nickname for my annoying colleague so I shall call her Thrashcan for now She really got on my nerves today with her stupid suggestion of checking with Compliance for issues that brokers can easily read and know for themselves. I have to admit that my anger was proportionately greater than the […]

Empty Vessels

From the comments Tan Jee Say has made, it appears that he has no idea what the President of Singapore can and cannot do. And his comment about wanting to check the “excesses of the government”? Good grief! I wonder if he remembers that HE was the one who wanted to frivolously take out $10bil […]

Stupid No Cure

When you read about someone embezzling say $12mil, even though you may not agree with what the person did, you might still take your hat off the person for having the audacity and smarts to carry out the plan. But when the sum involved reduces to say $12,000, then i think that person is stupid. […]

I suspect Fillet might have gone for a job interview last Friday ‘cos although our office allows dress down on Fri, she was wearing formal work attire.  In addition, she took half day leave for Fri afternoon.  I asked her what’s the reason for her not dressing down and she said she was meeting friends […]

Read something funny when i got to office this morning. There was this mass e-mail sent to the user group name, “Non-US Colleagues”. The 1st line of the e-mail, however, said this: “For all users outside the US, please ignore this e-mail which is meant for US colleagues only. I couldn’t help laughing when i […]

Protected: Of Free Lunches & World Contracts

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Singapore Law

I was quite incensed when I got an email from a London underwriter saying that he is not keen to underwrite contracts governed by Singapore law.  What a snooty, ill-informed London born Chinese.  Does he not know that Singapore law was derived from English law; that the English appeal courts have cited judgements made by […]


This is what I call brilliance. I received an email from an Indonesia colleague saying that the valuation report I asked for had to be divided into 5 files due to the large size. Sure enough, there were 5 Adobe PDF parts… but all sent in 1 email.

Was working late yesterday evening and saw HR online just before I left for the night.  Feeling bitchy, I told her about the run-in I had with village idiot equivalent in my office.  Now, this “village idiot” is from our IT dept.  Let’s call her ITM (IT Moron) for short.  I saw the ITM sitting […]

Common Cents

This is the stuff that gives me high blood pressure at work.  Not that I’m particularly mad about this or something but sometimes the stupidity just gets to me. I sent this to the underwriter (u/wer) and asked him to confirm that my computation is correct. The u/wer replied saying that I undercharged the premium […]

February 2025
