Archive for the 'Random Pics' Category

Singapore Skyline

Took the 2 photos above with my Nokia N8.  Really really love the pics!

Random Photos – Jan 2010

Here’re some random photos I took in Jan 2010. My wedding band and engagement ring.  I was testing the macro mode of the Nokia X6’s camera and I must say I was impressed!   There’s this Ipoh Hor Fun place at Maxwell Chambers.  I can’t remember the name now – the business card’s in office […]

Weekend in Pictures

Snapped these pics over the weekend (using the SE T707’s 3.2MP camera).   Had brunch from this stall at Old Airport Food Centre (at Kallang).  Fantastic.  Best prawn-bak kut teh I’ve ever tried.   Was waiting for Iceman to get his pants altered at G2000. I thought this woman’s dressing was really weird… macam wearing […]

Clearing pics from the digicam, I found these…     MC finds it necessary to be suitably clothed     New slippers bought from Esprit.  I’m absolutely delighted with them!  This is the first pair of slippers in my life (as far as I can recall) that doesn’t fall of when I lift my feet […]

Random Pics – Apr 2009

Finally got a keyboard at work so I don’t have to type using the laptop keyboard.  Love the shortcuts buttons on the top.   This keyboard is also quite idiot proof… would be really useful for people who are not familiar with shortcuts (see the green letters telling you all the shortcuts?).  Hehe.   Booze […]

Random Photos – Mar 2009

Make sure you know how a restaurant celebrates birthdays before you go there…   Alcoholic buaya spotted @ Marina Square   Was clearing out my desk when I found this super old mouse pad!  The UOB mini card was good for partying ‘cos it fitted discreetly into my jeans pocket.  Being relatively small, there was […]

              Horlicks wants everyone to know, she’s truly busty.                 What the heck is “the only healthier choice”??  If it’s the only choice, then it can’t be “healthier” right?  Since there’s nothing to compare it with?  Perhaps the company meant “the only […]

Random Photos – Nov & Dec 2008

    When one cannot decide to poop or sleep.               MC eyes my Awfully Chocolate cake!               Strange find in a multi-storey carpark… (forgot which though).             Upsize’s meal from Sun with Moon Restaurant at Wheelock Place.  […]

Random HP Photos – Oct 2008

MC was all geared up to watch F1 from home! Sylar was here… The Apple and Rhubarb pie from Aerin’s.  YUMMLICIOUS!  (And the cause of my tummy overwork) I’m absolutely convinced my soft toys are alive… I came home and found MC sleeping on my pillow… That’s all the pics for now.  🙂

July 2024
