Archive for the 'Blessings' Category

One Body

Saw someone who got released from prison recently serve by being a Lord’s Supper steward today. I think it takes a certain amount of courage to serve after what has happened. For me, it was also a reminder that as we take communion together, we are all part of one body and God’s forgiveness and […]


I have been blessed. I love my life and i thank God for it.

Chinese New Year 2011

Boohoo! The long Chinese New Year weekend ends today. Seems to have disappeared super fast cos we were travelling to JB back and forth. Really don’t feel like going back to work tomorrow!! 🙁 Oh well, here’s wishing everyone a happy year of the rabbit!!!

Anger & Justice

I was so damn freaking pissed off yesterday.  I was mad enough for my pulse to quicken, furious enough to wish for bolts of lightning to strike the stupid chao angmoh who tried to push the blame for something he did wrongly to me.  Lightning aside, I would’ve settled for him being ran over by […]

Happily Married!

The youngest member of our cellgroup, MY, got married yesterday.  Considering that he was 19 and about to enter the army when he first joined us 9-10 years ago, I feel really old!  Anyway, we had great fun at the wedding.  Congratulations Mingyao and Qiaoyun!  May the Lord bless your marriage with endless love and […]

Today is the Day – Paul Baloche

I love songs with great melodies & lyrics. Amen!


Saw on Facebook that Airbus is married.  Happy for him.  Congrats Airbus!!!

My 1st Christmas Present for 2009

Thanks, Azure! Posted by Wordmobi

Everyday Christian

My church will be staging a musical in a gameshow format this Christmas.  It’s called The Great Big Christmas Giveaway and I would like to invite all who are interested in signing up to register online.  Registering will help us determine the amount of refreshments to cater for, as well as to ensure there’re enough […]

The Here & Now

Just went through a massive clearing of old stuff from my room… continuation of the cleaning process that stopped at 3am last night. I threw out loads of notes from KC days, TPJC days and TJC days. Gosh. I’m an incredible hoarder. I suppose the process could be much quicker but I couldn’t help pause […]

February 2025
