Archive for the 'TV/Movies' Category

First Love

I know why all the viewers wanted them to be together. Because their love was so pure and so warm (do you notice how many hugs they had in the entire drama vs kisses?) And that’s why first loves often do not last. When you put the other person before yourself and want only the […]

Twenty-five Twenty-one

Nothing special happened today. Went to the office, had a mid-day wine with Saja Hunter and her retired boss (maybe this is something outside of ordinary), then went to the dermatologist and then dinner with Iceman. I did keep replaying the scenes from episode 16 of Twenty-five Twenty-one in my head though. I feel so […]

Fight (for) My Way

Fight My Way captures dating dynamics very well. It’s hard for old friends to date cos the risk of losing the friendship is high. It’s also hard to maintain a r/ship. The girl may ♥️ the guy so much that she asks for nothing but guys want to feel needed & ends up falling for […]


I’ve always liked watching TVB serials. I probably learnt most of my Cantonese from watching these shows. Over the years, i’ve like many actors and actresses. Sadly, many have left the station so the chances of me seeing them on TV is very low. That said, i’m really happy that in the past year, my […]

Sooo Tired

I’m hooked on the TVB series, On Call 36 Hours (official English title is The Hippocratic Crush).  Wanted to finishg watching ep 19 of 25 tonight but i’m sooo tired after an insurer’s launch cocktail party & a dinner with new clients.  Talk about a night of entertaining.  *Yawn*. I really love the main stars […]


Just watched Fringe on Channel 5. Feel so sad for Olivia. For her pain when Peter couldn’t recognise the alternate her from the real her. Sigh. How sad. Hope this isn’t the end of them. (This is my 1st attempt posting from the iPad. Haven’t decided if I should get one too. Hmm…)

Autumn Concerto

The latest drama I’ve been following is 下一站,幸福. Got to say that my opinion of Vanness Wu really changed. Haha. Never knew he can actually act. Found him a lot less irritating than ha was in Meteor Garden. Actually, I didn’t find him irritating at all! Anyway, I’m half way through the drama. Been fast […]

Love Queen

I think Cheryl Yang’s such a great actress so I’m on a bid to watch as many dramas with her inside as possible – as long as she has a reasonable amount of screen time, since 败犬女王 was her first starring role.  The first drama of hers I’m going to catch is Love Queen aka […]

  Started watching 败犬女王 aka Queen of No Marriage aka My Queen for the 3rd time last night.  I’ve never been a great fan of Taiwanese dramas so I didn’t have very high expectations when Ch U first started showing the series.  After watching the first few episodes, however, I found it soooo funny that […]

Summer Holiday 2

Yay!!  Jingle Ma will be directly a sequel to the hit romantic comedy Summer  Holiday in 2010!  Richie Ren & Sammi Cheng will be starring in it again.  Yay yay yay!  That’s one of my favourite movies of all time!!  ISP folks will remember I used to watch it almost everyday while answering calls at […]

July 2024
