Archive for June, 2010

Bling Nokia X6 Cases from eBay

I never used to buy much stuff online because of the risk of parting with money before seeing the actual goods.  The only thing I buy regularly over the Internet would probably be concert tickets and maybe 1 or 2 handphones from Singtel’s online shop. Recently, however, I got quite hooked on bling handphone covers […]

That’s it… for now. 🙂


More cataloguing coming up!


It occurred to me that it’s no point “favoriting” a tweet because if the person who tweeted it decides to shut down his/her account, all the tweets will be lost (which was what happened to Elva Hsiao).  Since most of my favourite tweets consist of replies I received from David Tao, I decided it’s best […]

Busy Day

Today was a busy day. 9am – 11:20am: Attended conference at Shangri La 11:40am – 3:15pm: Had lunch in the meeting room while doing up a policy wording, endorsement and powerpoint slides for meeting at 3:30pm. 3:30 – 6:40pm: Meeting with bank client. 7pm – 8:30pm: Back in office clearing work and having discussion with […]

Little Woman

Someone told me this weekend that she doesn’t change her hairstyle cos her husband doesn’t like her to perm her hair nor rebond it. So 小女人. I was lost for words. She reminded me of some housewife back in the 1940s who depended financially on her husband and lived and breathed whatever he wanted her […]


為了安全起見,從此以後,愛小男生的朋友就稱為“冬瓜”。。。因為她是個矮冬瓜!哈哈哈。至於講話大大聲的就叫“Quarterpounder”。 因為看起來很大,可是料不多。每當需要找他時,他就好像 promotion ended 一樣,煙消雲散!

I suspect Fillet might have gone for a job interview last Friday ‘cos although our office allows dress down on Fri, she was wearing formal work attire.  In addition, she took half day leave for Fri afternoon.  I asked her what’s the reason for her not dressing down and she said she was meeting friends […]

Nokia N8

Found out a bit more about the WebTV services that the N8 will offer.  Here’s an extract from techielobang: The Nokia N8 enables access to Web TV services that deliver programmes, news and entertainment from channels like CNN, E! Entertainment, Paramount and National Geographic.  In addition to these international content, Nokia has collaborated with local […]

Accidental Bitch

The MRT lift was overloaded just now.  The last person who entered, a woman, kept telling the person near the lift controls to “Press, press” (referring to the buttons).  The lift doors obviously wouldn’t close ‘cos the lift was overloaded, as stated on the display panel.  I couldn’t take it so I said, “Lift is […]

June 2010
