Aha! Found the best facial wipes to date! After reading about using facial wipes as makeup remover, Booze Queen bought the Biore facial wipes to try out. After hearing that it can successfully remove mascara, i decided to try it too. Lo and behold! It does indeed remove my mascara completely… without me having to scrub my eyes and yank at the lashes to get all traces of mascara out. I’m impressed.
Booze Queen says that the Biore facial wipes leave a oily sort of film on the skin… but i don’t seem to have an issue with it. The only gripe both of us have is that each sheet is really small… so you may end up having to use 2 sheets to remove all traces of makeup completely.
Nonetheless, i think this will make a good travelling companion as it removes both normal makeup and eyemake. Yippee!
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