
Everyone knows I don’t cook, can’t sew and I don’t do housework.  I don’t like to cook because I find it difficult to wrap my mind around how spending 1 hour to prepare a dish that will be gobbled up in 15 minute can be fulfilling.  I think it’s much more efficient to pay $5 for a cheap dinner at a coffeeshop.  (Plus, there’re no dishes to wash too!)  I don’t like doing housework either because the dust from cleaning the house makes me sneeze non-stop.  It used to trigger many near asthma attacks when I was a kid and sneezing makes me irritable.  I’d much rather spend more time earning $$ so I can outsource the cleaning to a maid.  At least I enjoy my work.

In the past 2 weeks, I observed that some married couples I know do not have an equal sharing of household chores.  (See?  It’s a CHORE).  I know of 2 wives who work AND do all the household chores in the family.  I’m disgusted that their husbands can watch TV while their wives are slogging to finish the chores.  As though their wives’ jobs were any less tiring than theirs.

It’s this differential expectation of a man and a woman that pisses me off.  I find it extremely derogatory that a woman is expected to do all the housework as though "her place is in the kitchen".  I would never be able to bow to such unfair expectations of a woman.  Why should a woman be expected to do all the ironing or cleaning or cooking? 

I also recall that a friend, while growing up, had to help clear the dinner table and do the dishes while her brother didn’t have to lift a finger to help.  Her brother didn’t even have to cook instant noodles for himself if he were hungry.  Her mom would do it for him but my friend would cook her own instant noodles.  Yucks.  That always made me extremely glad that I don’t have any brothers.  I would never be able to accept such double standards just because I am female and based on my character?  The more someone forces me to do something, the more violently I will refuse to comply.  (It’s just like when my mom nagged at me to do my homework, I will refuse to do it.  But if she left me to my own devices, I will willingly finish my homework).

I’m glad that Iceman doesn’t have such backward expectations of me.  I’m happy to do my share of work (though it’s limited to the occasional washing of dishes now) because he always helps too.  Most importantly, he doesn’t take it for granted that it’s "my job".  I think all boyfriends/husbands should be like that.  Slap the ones who don’t.  Idiots.

2 Responses to “Chauvinism”

  1. 1 k

    haha.. however said brother had to vacuum the house every weekend.

  2. 2 uptowngal

    haha, that’s good. is he still doing it at his place? hehehehe… that and more perhaps?

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July 2008
