16 Jan 2011, Sunday, was Pinky’s 5th birthday – but terrible terrible me actually forgot about it! The irony is I remembered last week.. but somehow, there were just too many things going on this weekend and it slipped my mind!
I visited the bunnies at my parents’ place before dinner this evening but spent most of the time brushing Horlicks’ fur. I noticed she had quite a bit of dead fur that needed brushing out so I spent at least 15min brushing her fur, including the tangled fur surrounding her bald bottom. Think I got half of the tangled fur out?
Pinky was a little jealous that the attention wasn’t on him. The guy’s been so used to being fussed over since he was a baby. He tried to get attention by stuffing himself next to Horlicks but I still gave most of my attention to his mommy.
Sigh. Poor boy. Thinking of buying him an apple as a birthday treat. Hehe. Definitely a more healthful option than buying those sweet treats from pet shops!
Here’re some photos of Pinky from when he was a baby till now. I think he’s the handsomest bunny ever!
Pinky & his sibling Fatty who died at a week old. Pinky’s the one on top. Fatty was much bigger in size at birth.. but somehow he just couldn’t absorb the nutrients from Horlicks’ milk and suffered a fit on day 7 & died. There was a 3rd baby – but it didn’t survive the first night. *Sniff.
Fatty’s on the left. Looking at his skin, I suspect Fatty would’ve looked like Muah Chee – single colour (beige/brown). Pinky was named thus ‘cos he was soooo pink! The brown spots on his body is now where the brown fur is. The pink parts, the white fur.
This was a pic of Pinky taken on 24 Jan 2011. It was quite a struggle for him to grow. He was soooo tiny!
Here’s a pic of Pinky stretching subconsciously when he was asleep. See how tiny he was – smaller than my hand!
Pinky crawling on me. Started opening his eyes a little more after 3 weeks.
Pinky after a bath.
He slowly got to be more than a handful!
Pinky used to sleep on my lap. Hehe.
He really hated this t-shirt…
And then the ears started to droop…
Horlicks & Pinky – like mother like son!!
Pinky feeding.
Patting Pinky to sleep.
Pinky see…
Pinky do!
Pinky was a pretty alert bunny too.
He was a keen reader.
Pinky loves hanging out with Horlicks.
Follows everything she does – including jumping on top of cages.
Pinky meeting his dad, Muah Chee. We had to separate them ‘cos Horlicks was very protective of Pinky when he was born and would attack any rabbits that went near him, including Muah Chee! Muah Chee, however, always doted on Pinky. Never once did Muah Chee bully Pinky.
Greedy Pinky trying to reach the food pellets!
Pinky snuggling up to his daddy in Jan 2008.
Quite sad. Don’t have many photos of Pinky and his daddy ‘cos MC passed away in Mar 2008.
MC was quite overweight then but he nonetheless tried to keep up with Pinky.
Pinky’s last family photo. I took this before I went Australia for a holiday. MC died when I was in Melbourne.
Though Pinky’s fur colours are the same as Horlicks, I always felt his features were more like MC’s – rounder face, longer ears.
Fast forward a little. Here’s Pinky in 2010. He & Horlicks pushed over a container of pellets to that they could enjoy it straight off the floor. Tsk tsk.
Pinky – on the living room table!
Pinky in 2011… stuffing his face. Haha.
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