Was introduced to a new messaging app today called Telegram. Interface wise it looks almost identical to Whatapp but there’re 5 really cool things I like about it:
1) There’s this “secret chat” function where the msgs aren’t saved on Telegram’s server & they are encrypted.
2) There’s this “self-destruct” feature that you can set such that read msgs will be automatically deleted
after the selected length of time is over.
3) The app doesn’t restrict the size of media attachments hence it sends photos in their original file size / resolution. This is super yay! Cos I really dislike all the blurry photos due to whatapp resizing them.
4) You can mute individual chats.
5) It can work across multiple devices (I managed to sync the chats to my iPad mini.)
Quick go download the app & try! It’s free! https://telegram.org
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