14 Feb 2015
1. Pull yourself in, not pull the lead towards you. The pull should be over the entire count of 1, not at the start only.
2. Do not tense forearm. Grip comes from shoulders.
3. Sugar push – compression is over 3 + and. Not just count 3.
4. For turns, be led from the shoulder. Don’t go ahead of the lead nor use arm tension to create connection.
16 Dec 2014
Remember the release.
30 Nov 2014
Always stay grounded. Gotta work on it especially while doing triples. Try not lifting toes from ground.
21 Sep 2014
Must be careful of arms – drop the ballroom frame!
16 Sep 2014
1. Remember the stretch on the anchor.
2. Remember to end turns under-rotated.
31 Aug 2014
Need to clean up basics. Triple steps need to be more purposeful.
Engage core by lengthening ribcage.
Rotate more to cut distance and post earlier.
26 Aug 2014
So it occurred to me that since improving in a partner dance basically comprises of making a series of adjustments, I should keep a “running dance notes” to track the little lessons and take-aways I glean with every practice session and social I go for.
So… During practice last night, TM pointed out to me that I need to “lock” my lower back so that my legs don’t lag when the guy leads an accelerated move.
During social tonight, I was quite happy when someone I usually find it difficult to connect consistently with told me that he likes the stretch in my dancing.
Good ol’ Zee also told me that I should take my time for counts 1 & 2 but be quicker on my triples when moving past the lead as it will help me re-establish connection better.
I also need to pay attention to when the lead wants gives me a short anchor vs a long one instead of always moving to the ideal anchor I have in my head.
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