Tag Archive for 'singapore'

Baikohken Ramen

I’ve always enjoyed the ramen at Baikohken ever since Booze Queen first introduced it to me slightly over a year ago.  As I usually eat there during lunch, I never had the chance to eat there with Iceman.  After seeing it being featured on TV a couple of days ago, Iceman and I decided to […]

Cool Symbian Apps!

Iceman 1st came across these apps on Windows Mobile Marketplace & told me that the Symbian version is available too. Here’s introducing 3 apps that’re very handy for Singaporeans! 1st is the app to check your mobile data usage. This is compatible for M1 & Singtel subscribers. I tested it earlier & I think it […]

Deli Turk

Iceman and I went to Deli Turk at Suntec (next to Kuishin Bo) for dinner last night.  The food was great!  Service was excellent too.  Here’re the pics of what we had.   Chick Pea salad for starters.  The chick peas came with olive oil dressing and seasoned with dill, parsley and spring onions.  Very […]

David Tao Concert Pics

Here’re some clearer photos that my friend took during the concert! Lovely lovely concert!  I’ve been listening to his songs all weekend (playing them off my Nokia even when I’m in the shower).  Haha.

Nokia X6 Pre-Order in Singapore

Ok, this post is belated.  Do check out the link below and note the terms and conditions within. http://nds2.nokia-sg.nokia.com/find-products/products/nokia-x6/pre-order Here’re some screen captures from the above link.   Some netizens speculate that the Nokia X6 will be available from this weekend onwards since the pre-order ends on 18 Dec 2009 (Fri).  I sure hope it […]

February 2025
