An Answer

Finally got an answer tonight. Before I joined my current company, I also interviewed with a trade credit insurer. After going through 3 rounds of interview, I was told by HR that I stood a very good chance, and they asked me to wait 2 weeks for the CEO and his deputy to return from overseas to know the result.

Before the two weeks was up, my current boss made me an offer and I accepted. Thus I never knew for sure if the other company was really keen on hiring me (the recruiter withdraw my application when I told him I accepted another job).

Today, I had drinks and dinner with the person who would’ve been my boss had I joined the insurer. I asked him if they were really going to hire me back then and the answer was yes. He had already given the approval as the head of department and left it to HR to negotiate terms with me. All this while he was under the impression that HR made me an offer but I declined. I told him that was not the case! Although my current company was my first choice, the fact is, the offer was never made known to me! Really sounds like a case of screw up by HR.

Anyhow, this is all in the past now. This same underwriter is also open to me joining the company he’s in now but I’m not so keen on the opening.

That said, only God knows what the future holds. Never say never!

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April 2011
