I consider myself quite an authority on bras… strapless bras to be specific ‘cos i’ve been on a hunt for good ones for years. The biggest curse of being busty is not being able to find a strapless bra that’ll hold!
Recently, i was introduced to this backless strapless bra by my colleague. It holds itself to your body by an adhesive backing that is reusable up to a couple of hundred washes. Fantastic invention i say! Perfect for evening dresses that show off the back, and since it sticks to the body, it won’t drop off! Or so i thought…
The 1st pair i bought was this cheapo one from Watsons… costs only about $20… wah liew. Material made of fabric. Sucks man. Totally doesn’t stick. Pui! So i decided to go for the authentic stuff. Bought a pair from Nubra. Made of sillicone, this was really soft & nice to touch. Got it from Robinsons… at about $120 for 2 pairs. Fantastic hold – i could even use it for salsa! The only problem was? The darn sillicone was so thick that i didn’t dare wear it with my tube tops ‘cos i didn’t want to be SG’s Amy Yip. Before long, both pairs got tucked away in my wardrobe. (But if u enjoy a bit of extra boost, this is the most comfortable pair.)
A couple of months back, there was this pushcart stall near my office selling this adhesive bras again. I can’t remember the brand now… mannequin? Something like that. They have a main store at Adelphi Shopping Centre. The bras are made of fabric and bleah!! They’re lousy too. I wore them once and after i washed them, the bras weren’t really sticky anymore. Not good. Pui pui! Wasted my $49! I was still stuck with a problem of looking for a good strapless bra.
Today, there was yet another pushcart stall near my office. I checked out the sample set carefully and wow… the bras were really sticky. The best part? The bras are made of sillicone but they’re really really thin!! I bought a pair – they’re the most expensive to date – $128. Tried them on after work when i was shopping around Orchard area and they are GOOT! Check out their website at http://voyeurbra.com/eng/. The only drawback is that there are some sections of the bra that are without adhesive… so i felt a little insecure initially. But after traipsing all over town, i’m convinced they’re good. In fact, i’m going to buy a 2nd set tomorrow!
And so ends my search for a good strapless bra. Haha. I highly recommend the voyeurbra!! Heh.
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