I just spent 8hrs, 480min, 28800sec doing up this blog! ARGH! It’s freaking tedious! And i still have no idea how stylesheets and whatnots work! *#$%&@ I searched for the most customizable & easy to understand template (chose the Regulus theme in the end), then did my best to change the banner pics, bkgrd pics, etc, to suit what i wanted. Bleah!
Realised that all the videos i uploaded in posts from my old blog are gone. I think that’s ‘cos i need to spend more secs, mins, hrs searching for a plugin that’ll allow me to embed youtube videos in this blog. Fantastic. Argh! *Pulls hair* So if u want to see the old videos, please chk out my old blog ok?
Excuse me while i go sweep up all the hair i pulled out…
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