My dad just told me that he found this growth on Peanut’s neck. I asked him if he was sure it wasn’t tangled up fur… he said at first he thought it was but when he examined it, it feels like skin/flesh. Oh dear… poor Peanut… the rabbit i neglect most. I’m going to take her to the vet in the morning. Worried about her. My friend brought his bunny for surgery to remove a growth on the back about 3 weeks ago and his bunny died 2 days after the surgery, even tough the op was successful. His bunny didn’t eat much after the op. (That’s why i was so worried about Pinky initially).
Worried for Peanut ‘cos she’s a v.v.timid animal. The ride to the vet itself will probably freak her out. Hope my dad will be able to go with me ‘cos she’s a lot a lot closer to my dad.
Could u remember Peanut in your prayers too?
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