Just wanted to note that things are going well at work. I’ve been kept busy… having to make quite a few overseas calls even after i come home late at night. But’s it’s good. I feel that i belong more now… and i guess i’m not going to get fired at the end of my probation period. Haha.
The colleagues have been nice… and they’re all on a lookout for a tall, Christian, Cantonese guy who stays in the east for me. Haha. Even the big boss knows about it now (he found out during lunch today)… says he’ll make it one of his KPIs (Key Performance Index) to find me a bf. Haha. Very funny.
During our dept dinner on Mon, my boss asked the other new guy & me what do we hope to achieve in the next year. The topic of an overseas attachment (note – posting is when they pay u to go overseas… attachment is when u go overseas but on local terms… purely for self-enrichment). Anyway, i thought it would be great if i get the opportunity to work overseas… Bangkok or China perhaps? It definitely won’t be in the coming year… that’s too soon… but perhaps the following year? I don’t know… but that’s good motivation to work hard.
U know, i suddenly feel like there’s no need to hide behind a mask anymore. For the first time since i was introduced to the Internet, i used my real name online – for my MSN nick. Perhaps i’ll soon post photos of myself on my blog… haha…what’s there to hide right? (Then i’ll just have to password protect the bitching abt my work. :P)
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