Pinky – I’m the Brain

dearest fans of Pinky,

i hear there’s been calls for me to appear in the limelight again.  my apologies for being absent for so long.  well, fame was taking its toll and i had to take a sabbatical. 😉

anyway, being the most popular bunny correspondent from the house of Uptown, i’m back here to report yet more incidents of cruelty towards us bunnies. 

that horrible chauffeur of mine has been busy with some project @ vivocity lately and he’s totally neglected our lunches.  instead of being given our nice fresh veggie at 1pm daily, it was been delayed till like 4, sometimes 5pm?  it was so agonising!  there was even one day when we had to skip lunch ‘cos my chauffeur was out doing his moonlighting job at vivo.  *aggrieved*.  i feel cheated for allowing my chauffeur & maid to do part-time work outside!

but i digress.  i wanted to tell u about my poor daddy, Muah Chee.  my chauffeur felt guilty about making us skip lunch right?  so he thought of letting my daddy into the front garden to play.  but my daddy had a miscommunication with my chauffeur.  he thought the chauffeur wanted him to go into the house to play!  so my daddy ran in… and ended up being locked inside the house for over an hour!

my daddy panicked!  he ran to the kitchen & cried to me for help when he realised that the front door was locked and he couldn’t get back into the garden.  but the back gate was locked too and i couldn’t help him get out!  daddy said he really really needed to pee & he didn’t want to soil the house.  i asked him to make some noise to alert the stupid chauffeur… and my daddy tried.  he jumped on some paint tins, knocked over some pails… but nothing brought my chauffeur down to my daddy’s rescue.

it wasn’t till about 1hr+ later, when my chauffeur was going out for dinner, that he realised my daddy was missing from the front garden.  unfortunately, when he went to the front garden to look for my daddy, he closed the front door behind him again.  so my poor daddy was still stuck in the house.  it was only another 20min later that it occurred to my chauffeur that the noise he heard earlier was caused by my daddy and he returned to the living room to look for my daddy.  by then, my daddy was crouched in a corner, legs crossed tight ‘cos he was controlling his urge to pee so badly. 

thankfully, my daddy controlled well & once my chauffeur opened the front door for him, my daddy dashed back to his toilet bowl.  sigh.  my poor daddy. 

anyway, i haven’t had much videos taken lately… my fur (around my butt mainly) has been shedding quite a bit.  not as photogenic as before somehow.  once i clear that, i’ll have my photos and videos taken again ya?  meanwhile, here’s a pic of my daddy with his compensatory carrots.



lots lurve,


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December 2006
