Am watching the Asian Games (Table-Tennis) on TV as i write this. Sigh. We’re losing to China (yet again). Iceman says it’s to be expected… and even if we did win, our players aren’t Singaporeans anyway. I say, “who cares?” If we need to pay for a medal, so be it. It isn’t a crime to have money and use it. Sigh. Damn it. Li Jiawei just lost her 2nd set. I wonder why she keeps persisting in using a top-spin tactic that leads to a smashing volley ‘cos her opponent is obviously stronger in smashing? The few points she won were when she played bottom-spins that caused her opponent to hit the ball into the net. Sigh. Strange. But then again… who am i to comment right? I’m obviously just being smart-alecky since she’s in Doha and i’m sitting in front of my pc.
Another thing i really can’t stand is when the China players start shouting “hui!”, “chong!”, “sha!” everytime they win a point. Like enough already right? It’s so bloody uncouth. Pui pui! As though their lousy dress sense & hairstyles (actually Jiawei’s dreadlocky hair looks damn bad too) weren’t bad enough. Do they need to act in such a boorish manner too? Sigh. I have a new strategy for Jiawei. Perhaps she can just wear more bling, bigger bling, that’ll flash so brillantly that her opponents get blinded? Good idea eh?
During dinner with my parents just now, i told my mom that i’m going to Malacca with my friends next weekend. My dad started grumbling about how dangerous it was to drive, etc. Wondered if i should just tell them that i drove to JB on Wed. Heh. My dad went on and on about how we must never take any unnecessary risks, and said how he never visits places in China if there’s any danger involved, no matter how attractive a tourist spot it is.
I knew it. I got all my paranoia from my dad. My fear of walking on drain covers, of bird shit hitting me, of never crossing the road diagonally (‘cos that increases the distance/time u’re on the road, thus increasing the chance of a car hitting u)… it’s all from my dad.
Sigh. I really can’t live like that anymore. I’m just so sick of being overly risk averse that i end up never ever doing anything. I’m still upset with myself for having accomplished nothing in the past 10 years.
The only thing that i’ve done right is snaring my current job. Other than that, i’ve done nothing to be proud of, gave up quite a lot of dreams and lost a couple of people that i really should’ve done more for. Now, i’m sort of panicking ‘cos i’m going to hit the big 30 with nothing to my name, no fame to my game. Sigh. I’m upset. Argh.
Iceman commented last night that i’m turning into quite the cheongster monster. Aiyah… i think it’s just typical of me. I usually take damn long to warm up to something (yeah, this time it’s 10 years… people start clubbing at 17, i start at 27)… but once i’m into it, i go full speed. Just like when i was crazy over salsa 2 years ago. I was out dancing like 4 nights a week? Till i got so sick of salsa after the LA Salsa Congress and disappeared from the scene. Heh. I do have 10 lost clubbing years to catch up on right? Plus, i’ve realised it’s not so much the alcohol u take, but the company u keep ya?
Argh. Singapore vs. China in table-tennis is a lost cause. Hope my playing catch up in life isn’t as lost a cause…
Iceman just complained over MSN that my post seems to be “Iceman this, Iceman that”. Heh. What can i say? If my life’s a sitcom, u’re a recurring gueststar. Not just some once off walkon. 😉