The Sweetest Dream Would Never Do

I had a sweet dream about ABC last night (probably ‘cos i bumped into him at Dragonfly) and it left me feeling pretty good when i woke up. But it’s just a dream… nothing has happened and nothing will.

Not many people know the story about ABC, and fewer people (if any) know the main reason why i decided not to stay in hall during my final year in NTU.

ABC was my orientation group (OG) senior when i was a freshie in hall. Although i was kind of attracted to him, it was something that wasn’t said, and frequently denied by me because another friend from our OG liked him too… and for her case, the entire world knew about it.

Thus started our ambiguous friendship. We did hang out a bit, spent time chatting on the phone, went out a few times, etc. ABC knew that i liked him… and i guess to a lesser extent, he liked me too. But the friendship never progressed beyond being platonic because he had an on/off issue with his ex-gf. (More like the minute i came into the picture, she flicked the “on” switch immediately. Bleah!)

8 years on, we’re still ok friends. We don’t hang out anymore… but we try to meet up once in a long while. Actually, the first person who started the joke about marrying me if i’m single at a certain age is ABC. Er, the age is now actually.. haha. It was supposed to be when he’s 30, and i’m 27. But it’s definitely not going to happen. Blame it on “foreign talent”.

The reason why i like the song “I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing” so much is ‘cos i used to listen to this song very often in ABC’s room (when he was coaching me on my most dreaded subject, Statistics). I mean, i really like the tune of the song… and the lyrics… well, they just happened to fit the situation then.

In life, we will always come across people/things that we know will not lead to any positive outcome. Nonetheless, sometimes it’s enough just to stay awake a little longer to enjoy these things while they last.

ABC was 1 year my senior in NTU and graduated 1 year ahead of me. As for me, i decided to shift out of the hall the same year because… happy memories make me sad.

2 Responses to “The Sweetest Dream Would Never Do”

  1. 1 Iceman

    Ok, now this I never knew or maybe you did tell me but then again who knows. Actually who can keep up with you. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

    “I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith??? That is a really great song. Love it…

  2. 2 Uptowngal

    Hehe. I’m using Iceman’s pda to reply his comment while he sits across me @ NYDC. Wahaha!

    Oh well, if everyone knew everything abt me then what’s there left 2 blog? :p

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December 2006
