Iceman shared with me today something his physiotherapist told him. He said that our brains work out our sense of balance based on inputs received from 3 main sources, i.e. our eyes (visual cues), our ears (the balancing mechanism within our inner ear), and our muscles.
I think the same goes for knowing a person. How do u tell a person’s character? U use your eyes – by observing the person and drawing your own conclusions about the person. U use your ears – u get feedback and hear what other people have to say. U use your feelings to perceive – because inter-personal dynamics transcend the 2D planes of just seeing and hearing.
But when conflicting information is received, then what do u do? Or perhaps the information was conflicting only because it was incomplete? Or maybe a person is different to different people? How do u really get to know a person?
I think i need to rehash my data. Garbage in, garbage out.
You never really would know, because people act up according to the external stimuli and there is no way anyone could be exposed to ALL available stimuli!