Cut from the Same Cloth

During 1 of our email conversations at work, J-san said, “it takes one to know another”. Hmm… i think that’s very true. Combine that with what goes round comes round, and that’s pretty much how things happen as people move around various social circles.

Last night, Flayer sms’d me to say that he was back from overseas and asked me when was karaoke. After checking with J-san this morning, i told Flayer that we could probably arrange for Fri or Sat nite. Flayer then asked who was going… of which i said J-san, me, and probably another 2 gals from our office. I added that J-san wanted me to bring more local gals along but i’ve ran out of them. Flayer then replied that i’ve met a lot of them at his house and that he thinks karaoke needs more people so “see how la”. Plus, he might have an early Sat flight.

That got me pissed. I mean.. if u’re not keen on karaoke, then don’t ask me about it. After u’ve asked me about it, and i’ve replied on tentative dates, then don’t ask me about who’s going if u might not be able to make it either. Sure, people like to know who’s going for an activity before committing their attendance… but if u’re not going to be able to make it anyway, why bother to ask? Not to mention, how many friends *do* we have in common? Like duh?!? What did u think i was going to reply? Miss Universe Singapore?? #^&$*

Thus i got really annoyed. Wassup said i was petty. Buddy said he didn’t see what was the big deal. Yada yada… so Flayer is scouring round for the most exciting programme before deciding which to go to… which i know i have no right to complain since that’s what i always do myself. But no one likes a taste of his/her own medicine ya? Even if i know what Iwok said was true… we’re all people cut from the same cloth. So what? Doesn’t make it better right? And i haven’t got those blardy NYE photos yet…

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January 2007
