Some Things Never Change

Someone asked me at a party recently how i knew Iceman and if i’ve always kept in touch with him all this while.  This question actually made me pause to think for a second… and i realised that the only time when Iceman & i weren’t really keeping in touch was when he was in NUS, and i was in NTU.  That’s also the reason why i’ve never really met the people Iceman hung out with in uni (which were also the people at the party).

Was thinking about this again while taking the mrt home just now when i suddenly recalled how Iceman and i got in touch again after uni.  We actually bumped into each other the MRT… he shifted to Eunos after graduating from NUS… and since we went to work about the same time, we tried to make it a point to take the same train thereafter.  I would get on the train at Tanah Merah station, and sms him which train i was on, and he would try to get on same train.  Heh.

That reminded me of how Iceman and i first met.  Haha.  We were classmates in JC and stayed 1 bus-stop away from each other.  Having a pretty good memory of faces, i recognised Iceman on the bus on my 2nd day to school but Iceman didn’t recognise me.  I smiled at him but he just gave me this sullen look.  Of course, i’ve been giving him crap over this incident the past 11 years.. heh.  And he always says he doesn’t know why he keeps me as a friend.

Well, i have a solution Iceman.  If u want to get rid of me, i suggest to shift really far west (Tuas should do the trick), and quit taking public transport.  Haha.


P.S. Maybe i should rename this post, “You Can Run but You Can’t Hide”.  Hahahaha.

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February 2007
