I’ve not chatted to Zounds online for like what? 2 months? And guess what we spoke about last nite?
Zounds: yo
Zounds: upset
Me: y??
Zounds: pet tortoise just passed away
Zounds: think it caught a flu during the rainy days during cny
Me: oh dear
Me: poor tortoise
Me: did u bury it?
Zounds: yeah just did
Me: wat was the name of ur (tu)?
Zounds: BK
Me: BK??
Zounds: yep
Me: why BK?
Zounds: in memory of our bangkok trip
Zounds: it was doing fine until recently when i noticed it wasnt eating
Me: i’m gg to blow dry my hair & sleep
Me: sick
Me: talk to u again
Me: the fever’s giving me a headach
Zounds: yeah..u take care
Zounds: dont be like BK
Zounds: must eat
Me: tt, u dun hv to worry
Me: i’m not gg to die like a (tu)
Zounds: anacondas and tortoises are related
Me: *rolls eyes
Me: will not die like a (tu). ttyl. no time liao
Me: haha
Zounds: ok shoo
Zounds: took meds?
Zounds: dont forget
So in memory of BK, all of us at the Forbidden City shall observe a moment of silence.
*Moment of silence*
And yes. I’m still alive. *Will not die like BK*.
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