My parents have a quirky sense of humour. Drove home one night last week to find this.

My dad said it’s to let me know when to stop the car. I told him, “Aiyoh. I’ve been driving and parking at that spot for the past 6 years. If i was going to crash into the living room, i would’ve crashed it long time ago.”
P.S. In case u’re wondering, the sign that Ronald McDonald is holding says “Gong Xi Fa Cai”. *Rolls eyes*
Forgot to add… my car kena scratched by some moron who must’ve had farking lousy parking skills. The carpark lots at Blk 248 Simei are so damn big. But this stupid moron can still manage to leave a long scratch along the driver’s door. What kind of stupid asshole is this man? Cars have reverse sensors nowadays leh! Wah piang! I could even tell it was a silver car that scratched mine ‘cos there was paint from the culprit’s vehicle left dangling off my car door lor! ASSHOLE!
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