Got a reply from HD. He’s pissed.
1) Since I met Drunk, I have had nothing bad to say about her. Prior dissing was based on hearsay and performed in the spirit of bitching. I was wrong to judge her, and will make further judgements based on my future interaction with her.
2) I think if you tell BAT about me saying he talks big, he would agree. In fact, I told him this. I think you take things I say too seriously. You are a peripheral friend. We don’t, and will never, talk about serious stuff.
3) I don’t think, nor care if you’re pissed, CG. Never have, never will. That’s not being cruel. That’s just the way I am.
Good that he has such a reaction. Should prompt him to think about his behaviour a bit. Not going to reply to the mail. Some things aren’t worth wasting bandwidth over.
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