Sigh. Just started watching Wong Hei in Shades of Truth (æ°´æµ’æ— é—´é“) and boy am i bowled over by him. I’ve always loved Wong Hei as an actor… he has this indescribable charm… i mean, he’s ugly – small beady eyes, bad complexion (thank God for the good height 1.78m and great bod). But he really entertains as an actor… whether he’s playing a clown (which always sets my heart aflutter), or playing some really serious role, he’s able to pull it off convincingly.
X-factor. Yup. Wong Hei is X-factor personified. Was surfing the Net for a picture of him to upload here… and came across several forums that have threads saying that Wong Hei is rumoured to be gay. He was apparently caught sunbathing with his partner before. *Sob*.
Why? Why? Why? Why are all the attractive macho men who exude endless charm and pure charisma gay? 🙁 *Sniff*. Pass the tissue please…
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