My amazing inability at bookkeeping extends to housekeeping too. I am the queen of clutter and rubbish. I have an unchallenged and amazing ability to horde junk – anything from unopened mail (from years gone by), to showflat brochures, old receipts, movie ticket stubs, tons of olders, etc. Hey, i even have my secondary school texts and stuff… stashed away (actually more like untidily strewn) in the cupboard beneath my desk.
However, two wrongs make one right… and just at my most broke, most penny pinching moments, i dug out USD105, HKD250, SGD90 from the bottom of my drawer. Amazing huh? (I also have random amounts of Philippine Pesos, Thai Bhat & Malaysian Ringgit). Anyway, i think budget wise it’ll all work out. I should be able to bring about HKD 2000 to HK for meals, travel, and so on. So i think i’ll cope… and i can put my shopping on my credit cards. Yippee. (Potential robbers scouring for victims, don’t target me ok? Not worth your while. No kidding.)
Wanted to watch my fave HK movie, Summer Holiday (starring Sammi Cheng & Richie Ren), before the trip. Searched my entire room but failed to find the VCD. Am kinda upset ‘cos it’s an old movie and i’m not sure if i’ll still be able to buy the VCD. I always watch this VCD before i go to HK… to get into the “FEELing” of going to HK… but guess i’ll have to break tradition this time.
While searching for the VCD (it really really should be SOMEWHERE in my room… just hope i didn’t throw it out accidentally), i also got rid of quite a bit of junk. 2 wastepaper baskets full of paper & other stuff that i don’t need anymore. At least now i can see the seat of my couch – even though there’s still no space to sit on it…
I figured if i can get rid of 2 wastepaper baskets full of rubbish every week, that means i may actually clear up all the trash in my room before the end of the year. The trick is to clear at a faster rate than new clutter gathers i suppose. But today was a good start. Ok… just to give u an idea of the amount of clutter i need to get rid of by year end… (my mom has given up nagging at me) .
My couch… which i cleared 1 wastepaper basket full of clutter today.
Coffee table in front of the couch. Definitely needs a lot of work.
Bedside table… have a tendency to dump all my unopened letters here…
My other bedside table.. now u know why all my alarm clocks have died… fell off my bedside table one too many times.
My desk. I cleared 1 wastepaper basket worth of stuff from it too! But there’s still so much left!
Computer table – pretty much the same state as the rest of my furniture.
This is the NEATEST piece of furniture i have. My dressing table. Just don’t open the drawers…
If i can keep up this 2 wastepaper baskets worth of clutter thrown out every week, i will proudly display my cleaned up furniture at the end of the year. If not… heh… there’s always 2008?
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