Went for David Tao’s concert earlier this evening. It was 3 hours of solid singing. I love his voice! Such a talented musician, songwriter and singer. Wanted to take more photos… alas I forgot to charge my hp last night and my hp died after a couple of photos and videos.
I was very impressed with the entire tour. The musicians and vocalists were really talented – the female vocalist from Taipei also played the flute, trombone and violin!
I think I’m going to get his "Best Of" album. Hehe. It’s kind of odd that I’ve been to 2 of his concerts but I don’t have any of his CDs. Heh.
Here’s a sample video I took at the concert. You can find loads of his MTVs on youtube if you do a search. I must say that David Tao’s singing live is as good as his singing on his CDs!
A real musical genius!
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