Was reading Digital Life during lunch today when I came across the article about earning $$ from your blog. The usual suspects came up – adverlets, nuffnang, adsense. Decided to put the adverlets banner back on my blog. Took it down in Jan and never bothered to put it back up ‘cos I thought it was ridiculous that an online/ web-based company can forget to renew their domain registration. Only earned S$8.30 on it for the 4 months when I was running it… heh. Quite pathetic considering bloggers with bad English and fat thighs are earning multiples of that. But oh well… my blog isn’t exactly being marketed so I’ll just have to let it be.
Anyway, it costs about S$18 a month to maintain this site so would appreciate if you could help generate a little more ad traffic by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the right panel of the blog. Heh. One click a day goes a loooong way. Heh.
ok i’ll help 🙂