Ok… cheapo me has been looking for ways to raise the viewership of my blog ever since it got dropped from search engines thanks to those (damn) spam hackers. I found the Nuffnang communnity site, innit.nuffnang.com where you can post an excerpt of your blog post and people can click on it to read! Of course, once they click on it, this registers a "unique visitor" to your site and that helps in getting Nuffnang to serve ads to the blog. (I think a blog needs to have min. 20 unique readers a day before ads are served).
Anyway, I was going through some of my old posts to see what would be funny / interesting for people to read. And I think of all the posts I’ve ever written, my favourite is "Turf Wars". Heh. Don’t ask me where I got the crazy idea from to use my bunnies to tell a story.
Here’s the link if you haven’t read it yet… this story is actually about the battle my real estate team had with a team that was brought in to challenge us at a condo we were selling… we won of course.
and the continuation…
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