Was looking for a new theme for my blog. Found 4 that I like but can’t quite decide which I should use.
This is nice except it’s a little too wide to fit exactly into my 1024×768 monitor setting.
Will it look like I lost my marbles if I used this?
Nice shade of colours except the design’s quite plain?
I quite like this except not many people may scroll right to the bottom and see the houses.
Sigh. What do you think?
i’ve the same thinking as you for the last one..
This is a stupid question but… how did you get that cute picture next to your name ah? Hahaha… it’s my blog but I don’t know. 😛
At first I was a little concerned about the “arty farty” layout of the Comments section (not sure if it’s deliberate or just bad coding)… but the little pic next to the name had me sold on this theme. Heh.