I almost always write about the National Day song for the year. Not today though. I must say I don’t really like this year’s song at all – find the melody boring & the lyrics.. gosh. It would’ve been better as an instrumental.
Having said that, I truly enjoyed the parade on TV today. Was sorely disappointed that the crappy TV director/ producer decided to show the faces of the audience instead of what I believe must have been the usual fantastic aerial display by our air force. I missed the usual display of our tanks & other armour vehicles too (they didn’t make an appearance this year), but the fantastic performances definitely made up for it. I thought the ending when everyone was singing Majulah Singapura and the fireworks went off – was simply spectacular! No words can describe that scene.
I think it’s a great idea to have NDP at the Marina Bay floating platform. Really love how the navy & the dragon boaters’ performance on water was incorporated into the programme. Not sure who the artistic director was this year but good job!!
The most heartwarming moment for me though, was when Mr Lee Kuan Yew made his appearance. When the cabinet ministers first came out, there was polite applause for them. And when Mr LKY appeared… Wow! I saw people jumping up as they cheered & applauded. For a nation that is extremely inexpressive (ask anyone who hold a concert in Singapore), that says a lot. The spontaneity really touched me.
To the assholes who spread rumours of his death, I hope you develop a conscience soon.
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