I know one day I will look back at this and see that Covid-19 is just one of the many life experiences people gain during their lifetime. It will not be any different from SARS or H1N1 or any of the other pandemics that have hit the world before.
Singapore started our “Circuit Breaker” on 7th Apr. I’ve been working from home from before the Circuit Breaker started (for 4-5 weeks) now and work is getting busier than ever. It annoys me when people/organisations act as though people are very free just because the are working from home (or I should say – “WFH” – the latest trendy acronym invented). Yes, I know, there are some who are unable to work because their retail shops are closed, entertainment venues are closed and so on. But there are many many of us who are slogging to work through the credit crisis caused by the tumbling oil prices and record credit losses (or potential losses) in the market. Started with Dongying at the end of 2019, then Agritrade, then Qingyuan and now Hin Leong. Every deal I work on requires 3x the usual effort but with a lower chance of success.
The good thing about WFH though is that I get to let the bunnies out to play on some days. (Can’t do it everyday ‘cos the slippery living room floor is bad for Tris and she loves to come out.)

As with all things, Covid-19 too, will pass.
Hope everyone remains healthy and cooperative with the government’s efforts to stop the spread during the Circuit Breaker!
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