Singapore GE 2020

The 13th General Elections took place last Fri, 10 Jul 2020.

I’ve been quite apathetic this elections honestly. I used to get really annoyed at people voting for the opposition just for the sake of having an opposition in parliament. I always felt strongly that you should vote for a party that’s capable enough to govern. Or maybe vote for the candidate whom you believe would best serve your estate/constituency.

But after 10 odd years, I’ve come to realise that there’s no use persuading people otherwise. I believe Singapore has had it too good the last 5 decades and maybe we should give people what they want. Vote in a crappy govt and for 5 years, let our economy come to a standstill. I think we’re ahead enough to survive 5 years of poor governance and I’m relatively confident that my career is secure enough to survive a 5-year trough.

What I have observed in this elections though is that it sucks to be a PAP candidate. Take Ivan Lim for example. A number of people came out to quote examples of how he was an arrogant prick to them and there was such a big furore on the Internet, he decided to withdraw his candidacy.

Then you have Raeesah Khan from WP. Old posts of hers were unveiled where she accused the Singapore police and judicial system of 1) mercilessly jailing minorities, 2) harassing mosque leaders, 3) letting the leaders of City Harvest Church go scot free (no, they were fined and jailed) and 4) asking who did they bribe to walk free.

Total untruths and this is now being investigated by the police as we have laws against people who incite racial disharmony (plus she made false allegations against the judiciary).

Did she have to withdraw from the elections? Nope! Supporters of the opposition said she was speaking up against racism.

I’m frankly appalled. I’m not asking anyone to love PAP but let’s at least treat everyone fairly OK?

The opp questioned PAP’s candidate selection process… Then what about WP’s? Why the double standards?

When results came out, I was even more shocked. The voters in Aljunied GRC decided to re-elect the WP as their MP, and by a greater margin than during the 2015 elections. Seriously? Does the fact that the incumbent WP MPs have been found guilty by the High Court of misusing SGD 33.7m of them council funds mean nothing to them? Yes, they are appealing the case but why would you vote the same people in again?

All in all, too much double standards and too many logic defying moments.

Well, we will all live and die by our decisions.

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July 2020
