Archive Page 2


저는 미극어서 새 신발을 샀어요! 온라인 쇼핑을 너무 좋아해요!

I bought new shoes from the US! Online shopping FTW! Ezship makes it cheap to ship stuff back.

Twenty-five Twenty-one

Nothing special happened today. Went to the office, had a mid-day wine with Saja Hunter and her retired boss (maybe this is something outside of ordinary), then went to the dermatologist and then dinner with Iceman.

I did keep replaying the scenes from episode 16 of Twenty-five Twenty-one in my head though. I feel so sad that the male and female leads didn’t get together but the more I thought about it, the more I understood why.

Na Heedo knew what it was like being repeatedly disappointed by her journalist mom and she didn’t want to repeat that with her life partner. At the same time, she wouldn’t have asked him to give up his ambition for her. For Baek Yijin, he knew how much NHD’s mom’s absence hurt her (he said before that he looked up to her mom but started to think that he shouldn’t when he saw how much hurt it caused her). The repeated apologies turned into a burden.

It’s sad honestly. He transferred to local news to avoid any conflict of interest in covering sports… But it was this switch that started the rift between them.

I guess at the end of the day, we take risks with every choice we make. There’s no point regretting what was or wasn’t done because with every loss, a new opportunity would have arisen and with every new opportunity, something would be lost.

Such is life.

25 21

I’ve always admired people who are able to keep a diary consistently. I always fail at maintaining the discipline and I don’t like having too much paper around.

Anyway, do watch the K Drama, Twenty-Five Twenty-One, if you haven’t. The storytelling is so good it’ll make you laugh and cry. The ending is also so so so sad. From being in love and helping each other grow to choosing to leave because you are no longer the best person to do so.

Sigh. I wanted to re-watch the show but I don’t think I can go through the ending again. 😭

2022년 3월 13일

이번주 매일 도 너무 피곤해요.

Health Risk Notice

월요일 밤에 Health Risk Notice 문자를 받았어요. 그래서 이번주에 사무실에 안 가요. 재택근무했어요.


2022년 3월 9일

나는 오늘 아침에 재택근무했어요. 점심 후에 고객 하고 커피를 마셨어요. 저녁에 집을 청소를 했어요. 전녁로 한식을 먹었어요. 그리고 넷플릭스를 봤어요. 지금 세시예요. 그래서 잠을 자요.

2022년 2월 13일

이번 주 회사에 두번 가고 있어요. 내일 보험업자하고 점심을 먹고 있어요. 지금 두시 쯤이에요. 그래서 자고 싶어요.

2022년 2월 8일

오늘 밤에 제 남편하고 친구들하고 친구의조카가 한식바베큐집에서 저녁을 먹었어요. 저는 소고기를 정말 좋아해요. 그래서 저는 소고기를 많이 먹었어요.

술 중에 막걸리를 제일 좋아해요.

집 까지 삼십분 걸렸어요.

저는 지금 너무 피곤해요. 잘 자요!

Welcome, Tiger!

여러분, 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Happy Lunar New Year everyone!

2022년 1월 26일

저는 오늘 회사에서 일했어요. 퇴근해요 후에 한국어 수업에 참석했어요. 회사에서 집까지 차로 30분 쯤 걸렸어요.

제 남편하고 저녁으로 중국 식사를 먹었어요.

January 2025
