Tag Archive for 'david-tao'

Marina Bay Countdown 2011

Went for my very first countdown event because I got wind that David Tao was going to perform 10 songs (I think he did about 12 songs in the end) and I thought this might be a good chance to meet him in person.  Heh.  The countdown show, in my opinion, was boring.  Most of […]


When my home laptop suddenly died 2 nights ago (the LCD screen konked out), it reminded me of the importance of backing up / archiving stuff.  So here goes.  One never knows when Twitter might konk out. Anyway, I bought a Lenovo Y460 to replace my late Toshiba laptop.  Played with the Y460 the whole […]

1am.  Youku finally can load.  Check this out!! Or view it here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUxMDk4NzQw.html

The Making of 暗恋

Mio is disgustingly slow!!!  Good grief… takes like 5-8 refreshes before I can load any page.  What the hell is wrong with Mio?!?  My nightly Internet connection is so damn freaking unstable ever since BPL started.  ARGH!. Anyway, I couldn’t find the entire Admiration MV (but that’s ‘cos I still can’t load tudou / youku […]

David Tao – Admiration

From what I read, David Tao directed a 1hr MV for one of his songs, Admiration.  Unfortunately, I can only find the first 2 parts on Youtube.  🙁     Wonder where I can find the rest of the story…


If I haven’t been posting much entries, that’s ‘cos I’m now hooked on my latest past time – Twitter. While blog posts are good for self-expression, Twitter allows your ego to indulge itself by posting constant updates of what you’re doing or thinking (as though anyone really cares). Apart from talking about myself all day […]

David Tao Concert Pics

Here’re some clearer photos that my friend took during the concert! Lovely lovely concert!  I’ve been listening to his songs all weekend (playing them off my Nokia even when I’m in the shower).  Haha.

David Tao on Youtube

Found David Tao’s channel on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/user/D6T9TV. The video clips of the concert rehearsal are so amusing.  I’m going to download ALL his albums from Nokia’s Come With Music.  David Tao 万岁!

I really must apologise for the poor quality of the videos filmed with my Nokia X6 (the sound is a lot better than the visual!!).  I’m waiting for the better quality videos taken with my friend’s digicam.  Will post them once I get them!  (Though it may take some time…)  Here’s a selection of fast […]

Opus 69

Here’re some of the songs I like from David Tao’s latest album.  I think out of the 14 songs, I only didn’t enjoy 2 songs… loved the rest!  Even though I downloaded the album from Nokia’s Come With Music, I saw on one of his interviews on youtube that he also filmed a 1hr short […]

October 2024
