Last year, I got a book for Christmas called, “When God Writes Your Love Story”. It’s an interesting book (anyone who wants to borrow, just let me know). One lesson i learnt from the book is that it’s really not just about “learning to love the person you marry”… it should be to love your husband/wife, before you even meet him/her! For anyone who’s still caught up in the dating cycle, i think we usually tell ourselves that it’s ok… each broken relationship is an experience whereby we learn something. But with each broken relationship comes pain, hurt, scars… and do we really need one more painful experience? It appears to me that it’s just another self-consoling thing to say.
Why do we always admire and look in awe when we see 2 people who are both each others’ first gf/bf fall in love & get married? Part of the amazement probably stems from the fact that chances of that happening in this day and age is near zilch… but a sense of wonder also arises from the fact that that would be the most romantic love story. When we were all young, and innocent, we would dream of meeting our prince charming/snow whife, get married and live happily ever after. We don’t dream about meeting a couple of toads first, dating some evil step-sisters, then finally settle for someone that we could probably live with for the rest of our lives, and get married ‘cos we want the government’s baby bonus right?
Has romanticism died? I don’t know man.. but let me not be the one to kill it. Maybe God has been trying to teach me something through Patience all along…
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