Yes, yes, i’m attached. I was hesitant about being so open about it previously because everything happened so fast that i was a little afraid. Not that i don’t have confidence in Clown… On the contrary, i have more faith this time round than previously.
Clown & i are pretty similar in character & tastes. It is actually a little freaky sometimes to have someone so similar to you. It did make me wonder initially whether he was just pretending to be thus so i would like him. Thankfully, no. 😛
I have also realised that i’m also quite protective of Clown. I’m not saying that he’s without flaws but a big part of the reason why i didn’t want to share about him was ‘cos i didn’t want my brothers & sisters in Christ to criticise the fact that he is not attending any church now.
Ironically, Clown is a lot more concerned about my spiritual walk than i am. He bugs me about attending service & going for cellgroup. Being high in my inertia ratings, i often get too lazy to drag myself out of bed to attend church on Sundays. As a matter of fact, i don’t usually go for service unless it’s my turn for backup singing. Somehow, when you only get like 1/2 day off per week, sleeping that 1 hour later on Sun mornings becomes a huge deal.
Of course, everything’s sweet & perfect during this honeymoon period. At this point of time, i do not know if we have any fundamental “deal breaker” sort of difference when it comes to our faith but i will continue to pray that God will be leading both of us in the journey ahead.
P.S. Heh… if not for the ambiguity of my last post, i wouldn’t have known my blog has more audience than i knew existed!
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