My dad quickly took him out of the cage & pet him but Coke kept having the seizure. My dad then placed him on some hay in a basket on the dining table and quickly called me. My mom said that although he was lying on his side in the basket, he jerked so violently that he jumped out of the basket and onto the dining table, all the while on his side. My mom quickly caught hold of him and placed him back into the basket.
I was at Clown’s place when it happened. We quickly rushed to my house but it was too late. Coke Light passed away before we got home.
I did a search on the Internet on rabbits and epilepsy… only found 1 forum site where it seems all the people who posted messages all had rabbits that died or are suffering from epilepsy… and it appears that epilepsy is deadly for rabbits. Not sure what are the common causes of epilepsy. 🙁
Clown & i are very sad ‘cos this is the 2nd Coke we lost. On Sunday, when we were playing with Coke, he was still so energetic and hopping all over the place…. and he loved following his favourite Muah Chee when we enclosed them at the side of my house. We took lots of really cute pictures of Cokie. Will post the photos online once i compile them… as a memorial for him.
I miss Cokie.
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