It started when i deleted by mistake, a video of Horlicks forcing Pinky to drink milk by shoving Pinky under her. I had forgotten to upload the video to my pc and in order to free up the measly 64Mb memory card that came with my hp, i deleted this video. 🙁 And Pinky has officially stopped drinking milk 3 days ago. So there’s no 2nd chance for me to take another video of that really really cute scene.
I am very upset.
Then on my way home from a farewell party just now, i saw a flash go off just before the Siglap exit on the ECP. I immediately glanced at my speedometer, which read approx. 102kmh. At first i wasn’t sure if it was the flash from a camera, or a flash from some construction site or something. It was a darn bright flash. But when i drove under the overhead bridge, i saw someone in dark clothes holding a camera. Damn it. What’s with those bloody cops? There’re so many ah bengs who race over 150kmh, tons of stupid drivers who buy cars that don’t come with signal lights, and inconsiderate drivers who park at the bends of the roads near my place, and the stupid cops don’t catch them but they took a picture of me ‘cos my speed tipped over the 100kmh mark? Simi sai! Just to fill their stupid quota is it?
I am very pissed.
And as i continued driving home, i thought about the brief and superficial conversation i had with a ‘friend’ i hadn’t seen in a long time. Gosh. How the heck did u ever think that you could ever be a better dancer than me? Check out the funny jerks your shoulers make when you dance. Note the”chicken-scratch-kick” steps you take when you move. You DARE to doubt my ability to dance when i can spin barefooted on the floor with ease? Pur-leeze! Take a look at your basics before you even attempt to put me down.
Oh yes, i bought a car. Ain’t that cool? Well, that’s because i know how to earn my own keep. I don’t owe a mountain of debt to credit card companies, banks, telcos (and that’s why i get to whack Singtel), etc. I don’t talk big about lofty aspirations & dreams, and then stay in bed half the time & get my deals burst due to my negligence. Most importantly, i know my limitations. I know what i’m good at, and what i suck at. I can see myself from a 3rd party point of view. Can u? If you could, you wouldn’t think that you’re such a noble soul when you’re one of the most narrow-minded person i’ve ever met.
I am extremely angry.
There you have it. I am in an extremely foul mood. Do not even attempt conversation with me when i’m feeling thus. I sting. Dug up this song from my extensive music collection, to dedicate to all the people who piss me off (especially those darn cops). Ok, context not quite right… but the idea is there. It’s by Andy Hui – ä½ æ²¡å¥½ä¸‹åœº (translated as, “you’ll come to no good end.”)
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