Archive for June 21st, 2006
dear friends & fans of Pinky, if u ever meet the tooth fairy, pummel her for me. beat her up, pull her hair, use your six-carat diamond to scratch her face! that horrible con-fairy! b*tch! i first met the tooth fairy 2 weeks back. when i went for my snip snip op. after i woke […]
I just maxed out my flickr free a/c usage by uploading more photos of Pinky. I now have a total of 46 photos inside the Pinky & Horlicks photos category. There’re also 5 videos inside the Pinky & Horlicks category on the video page. Click on the sub-page or link to view them. Enjoy! 🙂
One evening last week, i got home from work feeling really exhausted & collapsed on my bed for a nap. After about 45min, i was rudely awakened by this super loud cackling sound – it was the sound that lizards make! It was really REALLY loud… loud enough to jolt me, a sleeper who usually […]
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