Bugs are drawn to me, somehow. All sorts of bugs – insects (i’ve almost never opened my bedroom windows since shifting to my house in 1998 ‘cos insects & moths kept flying in at night); flu bug (i’m very prone to catching colds… especially this year… i’ve been to the doctor like 6 times ‘cos of nasal ailments?!); hardware bugs (I seem to be able to find a bug on the very first day of use for every new handphone i buy); and the latest – software bugs (yes, the very software i’m using now.)
Flask very kindly introduced me to the latest beta software from Microsoft – the “Live Writer“. It allows users to write blog posts in it (u can do it offline), and the publish the post directly to your blog for you. It’s compatible with almost every blog i think – blogger, wordpress, livejournal, etc. Cool hor? (I hope the various blog servers won’t start barring this prog…) BUT! I found a bug on my very first try. Sigh. Something to do with checking the Date/Time checkbox. Won’t go into it here… i’ve reported the bug on Microsoft’s forum already.
Bug aside, this Live Writer (i keep wanting to type Liver!) is really cool. It allow easy customisation of the blog post (noticed the changes in my font?), insertion of pics with backdrop shadow, etc. Most importantly, everything’s done on your desktop right? So even if your blog server suddenly konks out, u won’t lose your entire entry.
Interested? Try it for yourself! 🙂
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