Road Trip : Gula Melaka

Back from Melaka!  Had a fantastic & very fulfilling (for the stomach) trip.  The last time i went to Melaka was almost 20 years ago… when i was in primary school.  Heh… like what my boss said, nothing has changed much… and oooh… i really love the quaint little town.

I stayed in Hotel Puri, which is near Jonker Street.  Really nice place.  We didn’t do any deep or inspirational sort of activity… it was a pure chill out, & fill out your stomach kind of trip.  Our routine basically was, eat, walk, eat, sleep, eat, walk, eat, sleep. 

We had copious amounts of food … i haven’t weighed myself on the weighing machine yet… haha… let’s see… started off with a communal nasi lemak, breakfast beehoon + sausage + fish balls, and ramly burger at the first rest stop after we cleared the Tuas customs.  Er, don’t ask me for the name.  I’ve never been good with names.

After breakfast, we drove all the way to Melaka.  Minute we reached, we dumped our bags & went out for lunch.  Had laksa & chendol… hehe… i had like 2 bowls of chendol… hiak hiak… with lots of extra thick gooey gula melaka poured on top. 

After lunch, we went to some shopping centre (once again, i don’t remember the name) to shop… walked around for about 1.5hrs, and adjourned to Starbucks for a caffeine pick-me-up.  We then split up to walk around some more, before we all trekked like 1km just to try what someone proclaimed the “best youtiao in the world”.  It was good lah… but… 1km just for youtiao!?  *Faints*.

Dinner was at the pasar malam along Jonker St… a good variety of hawker food (dimsum, stingray, char kway teow, or-luak – the fried oyster thingy, etc).  Watched a very entertaining “finger breaking coconut” show after that… and of ‘cos what else could follow except more food?  Hiak hiak.  I remember the name of the place this time – Geographer’s cafe – we went there for drinks, ended up feeling hungry, and had finger food.  Heh.

This morning, we once again started the day with a good breakfast buffet at the hotel.  (It’s the most important meal of the day u know!)  Then it was off to breakfast part 2 – dimsum!!  Haha… after dimsum, we went back for the fantastic chendol (I am proud to say that i ate the most chendol this trip!  3 bowls!  Muahaha!), before heading back to the hotel to rest/ relax/ sleep/ watch tv.  Lunch was at this oh-so-excellent teochew restaurant with a super long name.  Had or-mee (oyster + noodles cooked in delicious dark sauce), deep-fried soft-shell crabs, veggie with clams, superbly fresh steamed fish, duck, suckling pig, bittergourd with pork ribs (i didn’t try this… me no like bitter stuff!) and rounded everything up with or-nee (yam paste dessert).  WOOHOO!  Everyone voted that the best meal of the trip!

Ok… time to do a weight check… and will go get my digicam & hp to upload some photos i took.  🙂



Here’re some random photos i took.



Jonker Dessert Cafe – where we had the laksa & FANTASTIC gula melaka laden chendol!






See the container?  That’s the gooey gula melaka u can pour over your chendol! Woohoo!  *Sugar high*







Hotel Puri – entrance to hotel lobby







Airwell in hotel – i just love these old shophouses!







Passageway leading to the rooms








Geographer’s Cafe – fantastic chill out place!








Upper floor of Geographer’s Cafe








All yours for only RM2300!







Stylo shot of some old building and backview of my friends.  Haha.






Lots of clogs for sale!








Vintage Ford Taurus (i think)







Old records for sale







Melaka’s version of the tri-shaw.  All dressed up.






Liked the ships on the canvas blinds.  Just thought this made a nice postcard shot.







The Teochew restaurant we had our lunch.  FANTASTIC!  *Slurp*





Sigh.. weight check result – 45.6kg.  Gained 0.6kg in 2 days?!  It’s just water… chendol is made of ice, ice is water… just water…

4 Responses to “Road Trip : Gula Melaka”

  1. 1 Iceman

    The mall you went to was probably Mahkota Parade, its the only mall in Melaka. Did you have the chendol at this quaint little shop? Its got like paraphernalia from the ’60s and ’70s?

  2. 2 UptownGal

    ah! u’re right sayang! that’s the one. haha. it’s quite modern now… lots of shoe & clothing shops. 🙂

  3. 3 k

    Chendol is not just water my friend… that thick gooey yummy stuff you poured over the COCONUT MILK in your dessert? that’s SUGAR!!

  4. 4 uptowngal

    eh! i just went to calculate my BMI. only 17.4 lah. can afford to feed the anacondas a bit more. hahaha. guess wat i had for dinner tonite? heehee… nachos + cheese + popcorn! muahahahaha!

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December 2006
