Sigh. Friendless today. My BFK Azure, is meeting some of her ex-colleagues, sayang Iceman is in Shanghai, HD is don’t know where, Buddy is most probably basking in his newfound love so that leaves me with my blog.

Which isn’t a bad thing since i had a crazy night yesterday. Totally made up for my (in HD’s words) domestication the past few weeks. Had drinks with my boss and colleagues at Boat Quay, then at Eon Canteen, then Balaclava, where my big boss, his wife, 2 nieces, and even my client joined us.

Saw Dentine and YY at Bala but didn’t have time to talk to them much except for a cursory “Hello, how are you? Heard you joined Miss Universe Singapore?” and “How much does a tooth implant cost?” (Ans: about $3.5k).

Went for coffee (actually we had earl grey tea…) with my client at Pan Pac Hotel after. Hope this doesn’t spark off any scandal ‘cos my boss loves to have me associated with single guys. Sigh.

Thought of going shopping today… want to buy some shorts that i can wear in Ho Chi Minh… and some dresses that i can wear to work. But am feeling REALLY sleepy now. Not forgetting that i didn’t collect my car from Simei last night (Client sent me home. 😛 Said he couldn’t answer to my boss if anything happened to me. I would’ve turned down the offer usually since he stays damn far – Bkt Panjang! But at 4am… ok lah. Decided one cannot be “gey kiang” all the time.

Sigh… what should i do now? Take a nap? Collect my car? Go shopping?


Forgot to add… my fave cousin AKKK was at Bala with his friends too. Haha. I was hopping between tables as usual… something which i love doing. Classic ADD behaviour! 😛

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April 2007
