Sigh… the long weekend is drawing to an end. Kind of sad… it was a good weekend mostly. I say mostly because 2 things marred my weekend. Although they’re not very major incidents but they surfaced once in a while and are like a blemish on an otherwise porcelain smooth skin.
First incident was at Balaclava on Thursday night. My friend’s friend introduced us to his friend and his friend, unfortunately, turned out to be a big buaya. We shook hands and… he held onto my fingers when i tried to pull my hand away. In that split second, i did think about whether i wanted to tell him off… but i chose to keep my peace, though i ignored him and refused to go near him for the rest of the night. Asshole.
Second incident was a row i had with my ex-bf on MSN last night. Long long story that i’m too tired to repeat in detail here. In a nutshell, i feel that his repeated attempts to “be friends” are very fake ‘cos in his phone calls previously, all he seemed to want to know was whether i’m seeing anyone, and i never realised how possessive he can be till we broke up. He, on the other hand, feels that i’ve misunderstood him, and am taking him for a fool (i’m quoting what his MSN nick says). I could copy & paste all our chat history here for the world to judge… but what’s the point? Sigh.
I’m looking forward to this week ‘cos it’s going to be a short work week – 4 days! And i’ll be off to Ho Chi Minh on Friday! Whoopee! However, i’m also a little apprehensive ‘cos i’m wondering if it’s time for some dalliances to come to an end. Don’t ask me why… it’s just a feeling.
Whatever the case, i really hope i can wrap up the deal that i’m doing for my client (yes, the same client… “Mr. H”… haven’t thought what nick to give him) tomorrow. Wouldn’t want to screw up things for our fave client now ya?
Dinner time!
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