Distance Draws People Closer

Met up with Buddy and another friend from our NTU orientation group for lunch yesterday.  It was interesting to catch up since i’ve not met this friend for about 9 months?  Didn’t even know that he’s currently based in HK till yesterday.  Buddy was the one who arranged the lunch and the only reason why it happened was ‘cos Buddy and our friend bumped into each other at the lift lobby of their office building.  They’re both working for the same bank, but Bud’s based in SG while our friend’s based in HK.

After lunch yesterday, i was inspired to send an email to Qingfu.  He was supposed to let me know way back in Feb if he was taking up a new job in SG or going to US to study.  My sms to him before my Manila trip went unanswered but i just never got down to sending him an email.  And so i did.  Got a reply a couple of hours later.  Qingfu is now doing his Masters in Financial Engineering at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.  Prestigious huh?  Haha.  Got his MSN contact too and we chatted a little today.  Saw the photos he posted online too.  Really cool.  🙂  I foresee us talking a lot more now that he’s overseas… haha.

I’ve been thinking of reasons to explain this phenomenon.  Is it human nature to overlook friends when they’re nearby (as in when they’re in the same country)?  Perhaps we don’t feel the urgency to meet ‘cos “there’s always the next time”.  But once these friends go abroad to study / work, that’s when we realise that the time we have with them whenever they’re back for home visits is limited… and so we grab the opportunity to meet up with them.

All this reminds me of a line from the show My Date with a Vampire III.  A character in the show said (translated roughly), “The time limit of love on earth makes it all the more precious.”  Sigh.  How true… if only because all good things must come to an end.

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June 2007
