Incident 1
Iceman and i were having dinner and exploring our new hps when his hp lighted up and a “pring” sounded, indicating that he received an sms.
While he was replying the message, my hp lighted up and a “trchooo” rang, indicating that i got an sms too. I looked at Iceman and said:
Me: Ever noticed how the hp always lights up first before the sound alert rings?
Iceman: Yeah..?
Me: U know why? It’s ‘cos light travels faster than sound.
<Cut canned laughter here>
Incident 2
BFK: The job application form asks why i’m leaving my current job. What should i write?
Me: Say u’re leaving ‘cos u’re an environmentalist.
BFK: Huh?
Me: Tell them u’re leaving for greener pastures…
<Cue canned laughter here>
That’s farnee……heheh